Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rapper Soulja Boy leaves Twitter?--Kelsey Jones

He has long been criticized by both hip hop fans and other artists, and perhaps today, 19-year-old rapper Soulja Boy has had enough. He deleted his twitter account after a trending topic #ifsouljaboysarapper became very popular, rising to the second highest topic. Many joined in on the public criticism openly with posts such as this one from @KineticalDummy that says "
#IfSouljaBoysARapper Then Taylor Swift Has Got One of the Best Videos Of All Time," which was retweeted over 100 times. @iLatrell said
"#IfSouljaBoysARapper bill clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman."

The fact that the rapper deleted his account has drawn even more negative criticism his way. Some feel he is a cry baby or a "punk" for not being man enough to take negativity. @TheRealRetro_D wrote "by deleting his twitter over a TT (trending topic) soulja boy really did show dat he was a pu**y #realtalk." Many others are chiming in with the same idea saying that he should not let what other people say affect him personally.

And while there are so many Soulja Boy haters, there are just as many Soulja Boy fans. Hundreds have stood for Soulja Boy defending him and his rapping. @aliciagholston2 wrote in all caps "YOU GUYS MADE SOULJA BOY DELETE. STFU IF U DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY DONT F***ING SAY IT ITS PATHETIC TO PUT HIM DOWN." Others are not necessarily Soulja Boy fans and don't technically defend him but they do give him a bit of respect by saying positive things about his career. @RonaldRainer wrote "Everyone dissing Soulja Boy and his bank account run circles around your families..combined."

Whether you are a Soulja Boy fan or not, there are many weighing in on the topic of boy his rapping abilities and the deleting of the page. As of now there is no more Soulja Boy on twitter, however many think it is likely he will return.
UPDATE: 6/28/2010
Today rapper Soulja Boy returned to twitter claiming that deleting his account was a joke and a part of his "genius" plan. What exactly was the framework of the plan is still unknown. Perhaps it is safe to assume that it was a coincidence that he deleted his twitter account at the same time there was a negative trending topic about him.